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PR Focus

by Dachary Carey
Mac Developer Tools Requires macOS 14.0


About PR Focus

Do you work across multiple GitHub repositories, and have trouble keeping track of pull requests?

Do you want to find out about updates to your own pull requests, like when someone reviews your PR, a status check fails, or you have a merge conflict? Or do you need to keep track of pull requests where you're a reviewer or assignee?

Do you need to keep track of pull requests for important patches across multiple repositories?

Are you a developer with a ton of repos, who might forget to check your open source repos for pull requests for months at a time?

PR Focus to the rescue!

Watch important repositories in PR Focus, and every new PR in those repos comes to your Inbox. Choose to watch PRs that are important, and ignore the pull requests you don't care about. Watched PRs stay in your dashboards and automatically pull in updates from GitHub. PRs that haven't been updated for a while go to the Inactive PRs dashboard to get them out of your way. Ignored PRs go to a special dashboard, but they reappear in your main dashboard if you later become a reviewer or assignee on the PR.

If you don't need to know about every pull request that comes in, you can also add individual PRs to PR Focus without adding the entire repository. If you make a PR to an open source project and want to keep track of it, or if you're waiting for a patch or an important feature to land, you can add a solo PR to PR Focus. These appear in your main dashboard, and in a special "Solo PRs" dashboard so you don't lose track of them.

PR Focus automatically checks for updates to your watched repositories and pull requests. When you configure PR Focus, you provide a GitHub API token. PR Focus uses that token to check GitHub for updates while the app is open at intervals you can customize. Leave PR Focus open in the background while you work, and you'll always have the latest updates to the repositories and PRs you watch.

Summary cards change color when a PR has updates, making it easy to spot when a PR has new information. Relevant columns appear in bold where the PR has updates, letting you know if the PR has new status checks, commits, comments, or reviews. You can click into a summary card to view the PR details right in PR Focus. A green "New" indicator lets you know which things are new since you last viewed the PR details. Every commit, comment, review, or status check has a link to take you right to the item in GitHub if you need to dig deeper or reply.

When a PR is closed, PR Focus automatically archives PRs to get them out of your main dashboards. You can customize how long to wait before PR Focus archives the pull request. If your work *starts* when a PR is closed, you might want to keep it around longer, but if your work is *done* when a PR is closed, archive it right away.

PR Focus automatically moves PRs into your "Reviewing" or "Assignee" columns when you become a reviewer or assignee. Don't miss PRs where you've been tagged, and don't leave your teammates hanging without those reviews or without completing assigned tasks.
