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by Hong Wai Yue
iPhone Photo & Video Requires iOS 14.0


About Breezyone

“ONE picture is worth a thousand words.”

This saying makes good sense when dealing with many screenshots, and we strive to make Breezyone the go-to App to stitch your screenshots.

It's free to use – there won't be any banner nor watermark added on your images.

• Just choose your screenshots, put them in order and you're good to go
• It stitches intelligently and automatically, saving lots of manual work for alignment
• It produces high-quality, seamless long image
• The high-quality output image can be used to stitch with new content again, breezily
• Not only does it stitch so well, but it also stitches so fast.
• Free to use with ad-support - just watch online ads while Breezyone is processing your data locally
• Carefree to use for we care about your privacy

Give it a try and have fun!
