Speech to Text - Rapid AI icon

Speech to Text

Rapid AI

by Shintaro Onuma
Mac Productivity Requires macOS 14.0


About Speech to Text - Rapid AI

Rapid is the fastest way to get your thoughts into text.

Press to record and get AI processed transcripts into your clipboard instantly.

Save hours and days of your time and become ultra productive.

Rapid runs the fastest cutting edge AI software to provide dictation commands.
- Say "new line" and get new lines
- Say "bullet point" to get bullet points
- Say "question mark" to get question marks
- And more!

The average typing speed is 40 words per minute but the average speaking rate is 140 words per minute. Speech is often less clear and cluttered compared to typing. The thesis of Rapid is to use AI to bridge this gap. You'll be able to: (1) Press hotkey to record, (2) Speak your thoughts, (3) Press hotkey to stop, (4) Get your thoughts in your clipboard.

Let me know of any issues at rapidshinny@gmail.com

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