
March 16, 2023

v 1.7.1

- Fixed an issue where the onboarding screen would sometimes not appear on first launch.

== 1.7 ==

- A brand new search experience for devices running iOS 15 and above.
- Fixed an issue where some TV shows wouldn't load.
- When marking a movie or TV episode as watched, you can now choose between marking it watched now or at a specific time.
- When rating movies and TV shows, you'll now see your similarly rated items.
- When adding ratings, you can now swipe all the way to the left to clear your set rating.

Feb. 22, 2023

v 1.7

- A brand new search experience for devices running iOS 15 and above.
- Fixed an issue where some TV shows wouldn't load.
- When marking a movie or TV episode as watched, you can now choose between marking it watched now or at a specific time.
- When rating movies and TV shows, you'll now see your similarly rated items.
- When adding ratings, you can now swipe all the way to the left to clear your set rating.

Sept. 14, 2022

v 1.6.1

Removed some external rating providers.

===== 1.6 =====

What’s New:

- Redesigned detail headers for movies, TV shows, and TV seasons.
- Added ratings to movies, TV Shows, and TV episodes.
- Added TV episode details.
- Added an Upcoming Home Screen Widget.
- Added a TV Progress Home Screen Widget.
- Added a Changes Home Screen Widget.
- Added an Upcoming Lock Screen Widget.
- Added a Changes Lock Screen Widget.

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

- Fixed missing library changes when an item had multiple changes.
- Fixed Unrated showing both TV shows and movies when it shouldn’t.
- Fixed some TV shows and movies not appearing in Upcoming.
- Added a section for the latest season to TV show detail views.
- Added a setting to display all seasons in TV show detail views.
- Added a confirmation prompt whenever you try to remove an item from your watched history.
- Replaced the keyword-based Similar section in movie and TV show details with a more relevant Recommendations section.

July 7, 2022

v 1.5.2

Fixed an issue with change monitoring which was causing missing notifications and out-of-date upcoming releases.

That's all for now, thank you for using ReelTime!

May 9, 2022

v 1.5.1

- Fixed some bugs related to upcoming, behind, and caught up lists.

== 1.5 ==

- Trakt Sync v2. ReelTime now syncs your watchlist and watched history better than ever before.
- Trakt profile pictures are now displayed throughout the app.
- Added a new user onboarding experience.
- Watchlist is now sortable by date added.
- Watched list is now sortable by date watched.

If you’re enjoying ReelTime, then please consider rating it or writing a review. Thank you for using ReelTime!

May 5, 2022

v 1.5

- Trakt Sync v2. ReelTime now syncs your watchlist and watched history better than ever before.
- Trakt profile pictures are now displayed throughout the app.
- Added a new user onboarding experience.
- Watchlist is now sortable by date added.
- Watched list is now sortable by date watched.
- TV shows and movie details now indicate tracked or watched status.
- Behind list now includes watchlist items.
- List selection and sort options are now remembered between app launches.
- Fixed a bug where tapping on a buy, stream, or rent result would open a blank page.

March 1, 2022

v 1.4

New Default Icon
ReelTime has a brand new default icon! Made by Matthew Skiles, it perfectly combines all of the elements of ReelTime into a wonderful image. It has a reel. It has a time reference. It has TV antennae. It has yellow. It's amazing, and I hope that you'll love it as much as I do.

TV Progress List
This new list shows your most recently watched TV shows, along with your overall progress for a given show. Perfect for when you’re racing to finish a show before it comes back on the air.

Watched Date & Time
Forget to mark something as watched on the day of? No problem. Now when marking something as watched, you can easily set the date and time.

- The combined “watch now” section for movies and TV shows has been split up into buy, stream, and rent.
- The “behind” calculation for TV shows has been changed. Now, as long as you’ve watched all aired episodes in the latest season, you'll be considered caught up.
- Progress bars have been added to the “behind” and “caught up” TV show lists, giving you a clear indication of your watched status.

Jan. 18, 2022

v 1.3.1

- Fixed bug where some library filters would incorrectly display “list has no results”.
- Fixed bug where activity indicators wouldn’t display when launching the app.

If you enjoy using this app, then please consider leaving a review!

Got a feature request? Movie or TV show recommendation? Tweet them to @reeltimeios on Twitter.

Thank you for using ReelTime!

== 1.3 ==

New Library Lists:
- Watched: Movies that you’ve watched.
- Caught Up: TV shows that you’re caught up on.
- Behind: TV shows that you’re behind on.
- Rated: Movies and TV shows that you’ve rated.
- Unrated: Movies and TV shows that you haven’t rated.

List Filtering:
Filter any library list by the contents of another library list. Looking for only upcoming TV shows that you’re caught up on? Tap the filter button and find what you’re looking for.

List Sorting:
Sort your watchlist and library by date and title. Sort any other library list by ascending or descending.

Search your library, and many other lists throughout the app. Search by row title or subtitle.

Dec. 28, 2021

v 1.3

New Library Lists:
- Watched: Movies that you’ve watched.
- Caught Up: TV shows that you’re caught up on.
- Behind: TV shows that you’re behind on.
- Rated: Movies and TV shows that you’ve rated.
- Unrated: Movies and TV shows that you haven’t rated.

List Filtering:
Filter any library list by the contents of another library list. Looking for only upcoming TV shows that you’re caught up on? Tap the filter button and find what you’re looking for.

List Sorting:
Sort your watchlist and library by date and title. Sort any other library list by ascending or descending.

Search your library, and many other lists throughout the app. Search by row title or subtitle.

Oct. 19, 2021

v 1.2.1

- Added a share button to the poster viewer.
- Fixes an issue where Trakt would sometimes fail to sync.

=== 1.2 ===


- Poster Viewer
See full-sized posters by tapping on them in detail views.

- Ratings (Trakt Only)
Add and see existing star ratings to your movies and TV shows.

- Watched Progress (Trakt Only)
See your watched progress in TV detail views.

- Quick Action: Watch All Season Episodes (Trakt Only)
Mark all episodes in a season as watched or not watched.


- Fixed tab bar styling in iOS 15.
- Fixed action sheet crashes on iPads running iOS 13.
- Fixed release notifications being scheduled for deleted library items.

Thank you for using ReelTime!