
April 28, 2023

v 1.17.0

- Added Hex ⇄ ASCII string converter tools.
- Added Line Sort/Dedupe tool: You can reorder a string with multiple lines and remove duplicates easily.
- Hash Generator Tool: Added Keccak-256 algorithm (used in blockchain development).
- Improved Unix Time Converter: the input will now automatically remove formatting characters (i.e., commas) for more convenience.
- Fixed various small UI bugs.

Dec. 20, 2022

v 1.16.0

◆ New tools

- Added Certificate Decoder (X.509) tool: decode an encoded certificate string to human-readable format using Open SSL.
- Added JSON to Code tool: convert JSON or JSON Schema string to 20 programming languages type. This tool is powered by the famous quicktype open-source project.

◆ New features

- Added a "Pop-out" button on the top right corner of every tool, which allows you to bring the tool and its current data to a separate window conveniently.
- Added a Markdown Cheatsheet to the Markdown Preview tool.
- Added Timezone section to the Unix Time Converter, which allows you to show the selected time in other timezones.

◆ Improvements

- The input in the RegExp Tester tool now allows multiple lines.
- Added "Pin to Window" when viewing a cheatsheet/document popup. Clicking it will bring the document to a separate floating window for more convenience.

◆ Fixed

- XML Formatter: Fixed various formatting issues.
- SQL Formatter: Fixed issue with formatting some MySQL queries.
- JSON Formatter: Added warning when there are big numbers found in the input string, which may cause the output to show a different value.
- Color Converter: Fixed a crash when converting some specific color values.

◆ Other Changes

- Changed the search shortcut from Command + / to Command + Shift + F.
- Redesigned the "Scripting" panel in the Preferences window.

July 8, 2022

v 1.15.0

◆ New tools

- Added cURL to Code tool. Comes in 15 languages: JavaScript, NodeJS, Go, Java, Python, Rust, etc.
- Added SVG to CSS tool. Easily convert your SVG to CSS background-image property. Support URL Encoded version and Base64 encoded version.

◆ New features

- You can now open multiple DevUtils windows with ⌘N or right-click on the tool in the sidebar → Open in New Window.
- Added Cheat Sheet to the RegExp Tester tool.
- Added Separating Group Size to the Random String Generator tool. This will enable you to generate more flexible strings like license keys.

◆ Improvements

- Added "Preserve encoded strings" to the JSON Formatter tool.
- JWT Debugger now automatically removes spaces and newlines characters in the input token.
- Added License Key preset to the Random String Generator tool.
- When you click "Use as input" in various encode/decode tools, the Encode option swaps to Decode automatically (and vice versa).

◆ Fixed

- Fixed a number format issue in the Color Converter tool.
- Fixed auto-detect behavior: if no matching tool is detected, the app now shows the previously selected tool.
- Fixed DevUtils's menu bar icon not showing correctly on external screens.
- Fixed the group setting gear icon not clickable when the sidebar is too wide.
- Fixed "Check for Updates..." menu item incorrectly disabled in the status bar menu.

◆ Other Changes

- Change the website address from to in various places in the app.
- Rename "Delete" to "Ungroup" in the group menu items.
- The fuzzy search option in the Preferences... panel is removed.

April 11, 2022

v 1.14.0

◆ New tools

- Added Color Converter tool! Comes with code presets for CSS, Java, .Net, Android, Swift, and ObjC!
- Added PHP tools: PHP/JSON Converter, PHP Serializer/Unserializer.
- Added Random String Generator, can also be used as a password generator with a lot of flexibility.

◆ New features

- You can now add Groups by selecting multiple tools → Right-click → Add to Group.
- A new "Frequently Used" section is added. It is not shown by default, you can show this section by clicking the menu Tools → Frequently Used → Show Top 5/10/20 Tools.
- Introducing a new toolbar on the top of each tool. The toolbar will show relevant information for each tool while you use it.
- New shortcuts: [Command+Shift+C] Copy Output, [Command+Shift+R] Instant Replace Clipboard. Only work on tools that support auto-detect (have the "lightning icon" button).

◆ Improvements

- String Case Converter now supports more cases: UPPER CASE, lower case, Capitalized Case, Sentence case, Title Case (APA Convention), slug-case.
- JSON Formatter now supports input in JavaScript expression.
- Added an option to JSON Formatter to disable continuous mode.

◆ Fixed

- Fixed an issue where pressing ⌘/ does not focus on the search bar.
- Fixed Cron Job Parser outputs inaccurate human-friendly text in some cases.
- Fixed SQL Formatter outputs wrong spacing for some PostgreSQL queries.
- Fixed Alfred integration does not automatically open the selected tool when DevUtils is first launched.

◆ Other Changes

- Some UI components are refined to make it look better.
- The search box is now keyboard friendly.
- Added self-help tooltips in various places around the app.
- Hit Escape button will now hide the DevUtils window.
- DevUtils will no longer support macOS 10.12 and below.
- Base64 String Encode/Decode tool now automatically switches to the Base64 Image Encode/Decode tool if the input string is an encoded image.
- Introducing "Scripting" panel in the Preferences... window. At the current version, it allows a new set of tools that use PHP runtime as the backend. More customizability and scriptings will be added soon in the future versions.

Jan. 25, 2022

v 1.13.0

Happy new year!

This update introduces Raycast and Alfred integrations, along with new tools and many more improvements. Check it out!

◆ New tools

- Added Base64 Image Decode/Encode tool. You can also generate Base64 data URL and CSS attribute from the encoded image!
- Added Cron Job Parser tool. It comes with a bunch of cron job expression examples too!

◆ Integrations!

- Raycast script commands are added, you can now easily pick a specific tool and activate DevUtils from Raycast.
- Alfred workflow is added. Usage: "dev {keyword}".
- DevUtils now also supports URL Scheme for all tools, which allows you to write custom integrations with any app. Check the "Integrations" tab in the Preferences panel for more info.

◆ New features
- Added a new Onboarding Screen, which will walk you through the most powerful features of DevUtils.
- Instant Copy shortcut: hold the option key (⌥) while clicking to the status bar icon to instantly copy the result to your clipboard. Only apply when DevUtils can successfully detect the input in your clipboard. You can disable this behavior in the Preferences panel.

◆ Improvements

- Added a "Format..." button to the HTML Preview tool.
- Added more date/time formats in the Unix Time Converter tool.
- DevUtils now shows how many updates you are behind the latest update, so you will know if you are using an old version.
- RegExp Tester tool now can auto-detect if your clipboard string is a valid Regex expression.
- You can now generate a batch of random strings with the Lorem Ipsum Generator tool.
- You can now customize the Error Correction Level in the QR Code Generator tool.

◆ Fixes

- Fixed an issue that causes auto-detect not to work sometimes.
- Fixed a crash in Unix Time Converter tool for some special inputs.

Nov. 4, 2021

v 1.12.3

◆ New tools:

- Added SQL Formatter tool, support popular databases syntaxes: general SQL, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, PL/SQL
- Added String Case Converter tool to help you convert between camelCase, kebab-case, PascalCase, etc.

◆ New features:

- RegExp Tester tool now supports group matching, named capture group, and output formatting with group notations!
- JSON Formatter tool now supports code folding, line numbers, and line wrapping. Other formatter tools are also supported.
- The "Query String to JSON" tool is renamed to "URL Parser" and now can parse a URL string into detailed components.
- QR Code Generator tool now supports adding watermarks and icons to the QR Code.

◆ Improvements:

- Added an option to disable the "Confirmation to Quit" popup
- Added an option to disable fuzzy search in Preferences... > General
- Added syntax highlighting in various tools (HTML Preview, YAML to JSON, etc.)
- Improve HTML → JSX tool description
- Changed the default Markdown theme

◆ Other changes:

- The "Launch at login" option has been removed. If you need to make DevUtils launch in login, please use go to System Preferences... > Users & Groups > Login Items. Sorry for the inconvenience!
- Refined app icon design

Patch Version 1.12.2:

- Change the layout for the String Case Converter tool.
- Change the UI for the In-App Purchase screen.

Patch Version 1.12.3:

- Fixed a bug in the Buy Subscription screen that shows incorrect local prices in some countries.