
Sept. 29, 2023

v 2023.1

iOS 17 compatibility.

Nov. 5, 2022

v 2022.2

- Fallback data source: Communities like Popular/Wikipedia/Fandom/日本語 now use a fallback data source to avoid the dreaded Pinboard Error 8 backend issue.
- Pinboard Search (experimental, unlock required): Access Search Mine / Search Network / Search All features.
- Full Text Search (experimental, unlock required, Pinboard archival account required): Search through the entire content of every bookmark you ever saved.

March 8, 2022

v 2022.1

- Link expansion: AutoFill Metadata now automatically expand shortened links and Apple News article URLs
- Remove trackers from URL (Unlock required): Detect and remove tracking parameters such as utm_source from new URLs
- Tag presets (Unlock required): Apply different sets of tags to your bookmarks based on your domains
- Alternate app icons (Unlock required): Choose between several brand new app icon options

Dec. 1, 2021

v 1.10

If you like the app, please consider purchasing access to the full feature set and leaving a review to support its development. Follow me on @GetPinsApp for tips and tricks to best utilize the app.

- Added: "Discover" widget to browse community bookmarks (Recents/Popular/Wikipedia/Fandom/Japanese) from your home screen.
- Added: Small(er) thumbnail option
- Added: Brown and gray theme options
- Added: Option to use Microsoft Edge as your bookmark viewer

Oct. 27, 2021

v 1.9

If you like the app, please consider purchasing access to the full feature set and leaving a review to support its development. Follow me on @GetPinsApp for tips and tricks to best utilize the app.

- Added: "Random Unread" as yet another source for the home screen widgets.
- Added: "Default Bookmark Viewer" setting. Set this to Safari so that you can use your favorite iOS 15 web extensions.
- Added: Support for Opener as a bookmark viewer option. Check it out if you haven't done so — great utility to have links opened in your preferred apps.
- Added: "True Black" background color for the bookmark list for those using devices with OLED screen and like a pure black option.
- Added: Tapping on the home screen widget title (e.g. "On This Day", "Random Bookmarks") directly launches into the corresponding screen in Pins.
- Added: "Copy Anonymous User ID" option in "Support" in case I need it to help you.
- Fixed: Mouse pointer + external keyboard combo not playing nice with the autosuggestion bar for tags on iPadOS.
- Fixed: Settings screen should load instantly now.