
March 22, 2023

v 1.3.0

We've added the ability to see mentions - now you can easily stay on top of all the interactions happening on your Twitter account and never miss a mention or reply again. 
In addition to this new feature, we've also made some improvements to the messages area - now you don't have to confirm concluding the conversation every time, and instead can undo the action later.

Feb. 13, 2023

v 1.2.1

The app got a face lift!
Switching accounts is now much easier - swipe right or left, or use the quick switcher in the corner.
Also tweet deep links are now always available on tweets, not only when there are replies.

Dec. 19, 2022

v 1.1.1

Bugfixes and improvements

Feb. 23, 2022

v 1.1.0

Now you can pick your preferred way for opening external Twitter content. Choose between the official Twitter app, Tweetbot, external browser or embedded Safari. Your preference is saved in settings, and can be changed at any time.

Unread message preview now shows the last message, not first, so it's easier to spot whether you got additional new messages.