ReminderCal 2: iOS 17 Interactive Widgets and more!
By Bilaal Rashid • Sept. 21, 2023
Ever wanted to view your Apple Reminders in the Apple Calendar app? Now you can with ReminderCal. And it's even better with Version 2, which brings support for iOS/iPadOS 17 and so much more!
Keep using the Reminders and Calendar apps that you know and love, but with the ability to view your reminders directly in the Calendar app.
Sync when you want inside the app, or schedule your own syncing patterns in Shortcuts. From every time you exit Reminders, to when you charge your device, you can be in charge of the syncing schedule to suit your needs with support for Siri Shortcut Automations.
And now, if you prefer manual control, you can take control of Interactive Widgets and Siri support.
Our new Alternative App Icons allow you to decorate your home screen how you like it. And experience all of them with a choice of Light and Dark Mode.