
March 5, 2024

v 0.30.0

• Added Hebrew translation.
• Added an option to show special symbols in the popup (newlines, tabs, leading and trailing spaces)
• Added an option to change search match highlighting from bold to italic or underline.
• Added a hidden option to change a clipboard check interval and also lowered it from 1000 ms to 500 ms.
• Improved Japanese translation.
• Improved German translation.
• Improved performance of search by lowering the delay from 400 ms to 200 ms.
• Fixed an issue when switching between US and JIS keyboards would break search.
• Fixed an issue alternate items could not be selected on macOS 14.4.
• Fixed an issue when copying multiple files would only show the first one in the history.
• Fixed an issue when the popup won't appear near the cursor.

Jan. 24, 2024

v 0.29.4

• Added a new paperclip menu icon.
• Added a link to configure notifications and sounds in preferences.
• Fixed an issue when a pin image was black in a dark appearance.
• Fixed an issue when the popup would be hidden beyond screen edges.

Dec. 26, 2023

v 0.29.3

- Fixed custom sounds not playing when sending notifications.

Dec. 5, 2023

v 0.29.2

- Fixed Chinese input not working when Maccy is open via a global hotkey.
- Fixed search not cleared after selecting item in history.

Oct. 21, 2023

v 0.28.0

- Added support for ignoring text copies based on regular expressions.
- Fixed an issue when copying anything in Microsoft Word would create an in-app bookmark.
- Fixed a slow search on macOS Sonoma.
- Fixed a preview position on macOS Sonoma.
- Fixed a popup position on macOS Sonoma.
- Fixed a selection of pins with a "v" letter assigned.
- Fixed a preferences window not being focused on macOS Sonoma.

Sept. 28, 2023

v 0.27.1

- Fixed an issue when the cursor would not highlight history items on macOS Ventura.

Sept. 25, 2023

v 0.27.0

- Improved compatibility across macOS versions.
- Improved alignment of preview popover.
- Improved handling of copies from Universal Clipboard.
- Improved source application handling to preserve an original one when copying from Maccy.
- Fixed an issue when Caps Lock on would prevent pinning/removal.
- Fixed a blurry scissors menu icon.

July 3, 2023

v 0.26.5

- Added support for pins without keys.
- Fixed an issue when the recent copy text was not cleared.
- Improved memory utilization by not eagerly loading RTF/HTML copies.

June 4, 2023

v 0.26.3

- Added support for asking for an App Store review periodically.
- Fixed a potential crash when selecting an existing item.
- Fixed memory leaks in previews.

March 22, 2023

v 0.26.2

- Fixed the crash showing a preview for partially visible items.

March 21, 2023

v 0.26.1

- Fixed the application hanging when loading the preview with very long text.
- Fixed the crash when searching for regular expressions with zero-character matches such as ^$.
- Fixed the menu not showing new copies after clearing the history with top pinned items.

March 14, 2023

v 0.26.0

- Added support for searching by regular expressions.
- Added experiment mixed search. It works by first searching by exact match. If no results are found, it automatically searches using fuzzy search. Finally, if there are still no results, it uses a regular expressions search.
- Added support for rich preview popups that replace old tooltips. They allow previewing long text easier, showing higher-resolution images, and customizing the delay until the preview is showing via preferences.
- Added support for getting a clipboard item by its position in the Shortcuts app. It is also possible to get a selected item. This allows building complex processing of clipboard items from Maccy via the Shortcuts such as trimming whitespace from copied text, converting copied RTF to Markdown files, and others.
- Added support for ignoring copies coming from the Maccy itself using the ignored applications list.
- Added support for specifying a display to popup at.
- Added support for ignoring all copies except for specific applications listed in the ignore preferences.
- Added several menu icons that can be customized via preferences.
- Improved compatibility with the Pure Paste app.
- Improved search field text contrast in Dark Mode.
- Improved colors with increased contrast / reduced transparency on macOS Ventura.
- Fixed crashes when searching through images from the Photos app.
- Fixed pasting to work on "Dvorak - QWERTY ⌘" and "bépo 1.1 - Azerty ⌘" keyboard layouts.
- Fixed clear history confirmation dialog not focused when the footer is hidden.
- Fixed incorrect placement of the Maccy menu in the screen center when showing the first time or after being inactive for a long time.
- Fixed empty highlighting when there are no search results.

Jan. 15, 2023

v 0.25.0

- Added an option to clear the system clipboard when clearing Maccy history in Preferences / Advanced.
- Added an option to change the maximum title length of the history items.
- Added Bosnian localization.
- Added Ukrainian localization.
- Added support for pure RTF and HTML copies.
- Improved compatibility with Microsoft Edge application.
- Improved compatibility with macOS 13 to natively launch at login.
- Improved pasting to work with the Microsoft Remote Desktop application with a "Scancode" keyboard mode.
- Improved pasting to handle cases when the shortcut to paste is overridden on the OS level.
- Improved handling of Korean and Chinese input.
- Fixed a bug when the search failed to work when popped up from password text fields.

Sept. 1, 2022

v 0.24.0

- Added support for selecting an item in the history using its position number via Shortcuts.
- Added support for clearing history via Shortcuts.
- Added Turkish localization.
- Added preference to pop up in the center of a currently focused application window.
- Added support for ⌃ (CONTROL) + W shortcut to remove the last word when the search field is focused.
- Added support for creating a new copy by typing it and pressing ENTER when there are no search results.
- Added missing documentation about disabling by clicking on the menu icon with ⌥ (OPTION) pressed.
- Improved search field UI by using native macOS control.
- Improved navigation using arrow keys.
- Improved pins preferences tab to allow selecting a key using a dropdown menu.
- Improved storage preferences tab to show the size as a number text field with a stepper.
- Fixed an issue of storage not respecting a sorting setting when removing oldest records.
- Fixed an issue when paste wouldn't work after opening preferences/about.
- Fixed an issue when pasting an item would update its source application with the one it has just been pasted to.

July 19, 2022

v 0.23.0

- Added Chinese Traditional localization
- Added German localization
- Added Japanese localization
- Added Korean localization
- Added Thai localization
- Added a feature to ignore only next copy by clicking on the menu icon with OPTION + SHIFT pressed
- Added a feature to automatically capture the source application of every new copy and show the source in the copy tooltip
- Fixed an issue when JPG copies were not rendered as images
- Fixed multiple issues with positioning of Maccy window in the center of multiple displays
- Fixed an issue when auto-update window could not be focused
- Improved performance of pasting by reducing animation delay

Feb. 11, 2022

v 0.22.2

- Improved the header and search field horizontal padding on macOS 11+.
- Fixed an issue when the search field would select all the entered text upon finding no results.
- Moved storage preferences to a separate tab.
- Fixed pasting the wrong item on the App Store version of Microsoft Word.

Feb. 5, 2022

v 0.22.1

- Added Vim-like keybindings to select previous/next item with Control+K/Control+J.
- Fixed an issue when the application cannot be enabled/disabled with Option+click.
- Improved Chinese translation.
- Improved Italian translation.

Oct. 17, 2021

v 0.22.0

- Added Croatian translation
- Added Italian translation
- Fixed issue when pasting to Microsoft Word application would result in a different item paste