
March 11, 2024

v 1.64 (1)

Another minor update. I have been chasing down a bug that causes crashes in some situations and it’s now finally fixed.

Feb. 4, 2024

v 1.62(2)

This is a minor update fixing a bug that caused an occasional crash when using recently added new features.

Jan. 4, 2024

v 1.61 (7)

This update includes two changes.
1. A significant bug in the ‘Trips’ section (reported by a user) has been fixed. Thanks to all users who reported issues. The bug was causing all trip end dates to be ‘today’ when you were on a trip.
2. A new feature has been added that enables you to create (any number of) additional trips. You can now create a new trip and choose any start date and any end date for the trip. This will enable you to choose a portion of an existing trip as an additional trip or to just define the activities between two dates as a new trip (whether it was originally part of a trip or not). To create a new trip just tap on any trip in the “Trips” section and select ‘Create a new trip’.

Sept. 28, 2023

v 1.60

This major update includes several significant changes addressing issues seen by some users. Thanks to all users who reported issues.
* An automatic repair cycle has been added that looks through the ‘Days’ log and repairs any days that have been missed or days that have been recorded more than once during the past year. It may take 1 to 3 days to complete this automatic repair. To catch any new issues this cycle is repeated every day at 5 AM if there is internet reception.
* A button labeled ‘Days repair’ has been added to the settings page that will enable you to repair any particular day if it’s details look questionable.
* Eliminating rogue GPS locations - Both of these repair functions include methods to detect and eliminate rogue or spurious GPS locations that recorded incorrect places in the past.
* The ongoing location processing has been changed to also include methods to detect and eliminate rogue or spurious GPS locations as they occur.

July 8, 2023

v 1.57(22)

This is a minor update addressing two bugs:
1) Occasionally a day was skipped in the ‘Days’ log. This has been fixed.
2) Occasionally the first few hours of driving were not recorded. This has also been fixed.

May 4, 2023

v 1.56

A few bugs were found and fixed. They had occasionally caused problems in some circumstances.

March 12, 2023

v 1.55(22)

App update. A bug has been fixed that occasionally gave incorrect times for the daily Drive Start and Drive Stop times.
User’s tip. If you have both an iPhone and an iPad you can use whereUbeen on both devices. The point of this is to record your tracks on the iPhone which is easy to carry with you on walks, when driving or whatever. Then, later you can view the maps and other details on the larger iPad format. If interested just download whereUbeen onto your iPad from the App Store. Then follow the start-up instructions carefully as you need to ensure both devices are not recording at the same time.

Dec. 23, 2022

v 1.54(6)

This update includes one new feature In response to a feedback suggestion :
- You can now change the overnight address label to whatever you like for any day in the ‘Days’ listing. This will not change it’s location on the map.
It also includes these bug fixes:
- Occasionally an overnight stop was missed and then recorded later in the day.
- Occasionally, in the ‘Days’ listing, the driving and walking statistics were left blank even after a day of travel. The fix for this bug is retroactive, so that any of these mistakes made in the past will now be corrected.