
April 11, 2023

v 1.8

Use the new log syntax to make use of thousands of SF Symbol images to display status in your data tiles. To automatically make use of SF Symbols write logs in the format 'Your variable: $symbol(name)' where name is the symbol name. Check the screenshots for reference

March 23, 2023

v 1.6

NEW in 1.6: Autocompletion search field makes adding new apps quick and easy. Improved UI when showing recent used and installed in the Simulator apps. Minor bug fixes.

March 2, 2023

v 1.5

- A new preferences tab allows users to turn on and off distinct features to reduce the app workload.
- Log signpost intervals are now automatically displayed as a timer tile
- Users can now turn on or off automatically detecting running apps in the Simulator

Feb. 21, 2023

v 1.4

- dataTile now detects apps being re-launched in the Simulator and automatically resets relevant tiles. 
- A new preference setting allows dataTile to either show on top or behind other windows when launching via opening a tile URL.
- Clearer error reporting in case the app needs the user to re-approve Sandbox access.
- Various improvements to the Knowledge Base.

Jan. 3, 2023

v 1.3

The new welcome experience suggests a list of apps that are currently running in your active Simulator. There's no need to manually enter anything anymore; simply select the app you want to use.