Cent - Percentage Calculator icon


Percentage Calculator


Marcos Antonio Tanaka

Mac Utilities Requires macOS 11.0
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Cent is a free utility to calculate percentages on your Mac

Published: Oct. 22, 2021


About Cent - Percentage Calculator

Cent is a simple utility to calculate percentages on your Mac. Use it to answer questions such as:

- What is X% of Y?
- The value X is what percentage of Y?
- What is the percentage increase from X to Y?
- What is the percentage decrease from X to Y?
- If X increases by Y, what is the final value?
- If X decreases by Y, what is the final value?
- If an initial value increased by X% is Y, what is the initial value?
- If an initial value decreased by X% is Y, what is the initial value?

Cent if free to use, and you can support the app by leaving a review, or by purchasing any of the tips in the app.

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